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Cheers to the Weekend! September 29, 2017

If anything, this week is about success. Success for bucking the trend of a blog lasting past 4 weeks (the average lifespan). It's an interesting thing to write in more detail about what you read and drink; to somehow connect with the reader (you) and provide value. With so much information out there it can be easy to dismiss the newsletter, and this blog, and just more noise. So thank you for sticking with it and as we grow I intend to bring some interesting new content (it's a surprise!) and contests that I'm currently working on as we speak.

What I'm Reading:

This book was a complete surprise to me (if you haven't already surmised). Isn't this what a book sale find is all about though? A $1 book, purchased at a charity book sale this past summer, with no previous history with the author or even knowing who he was. It turns out this is the former Liberal candidate for Prime Minister of Canada (I should have known that being Canadian ...) and former journalist involved in many different campaigns throughout the 1990's and early 2000's. I spoke quite a bit last week about his one essay The Narcissism of Small Differences which everyone should have to read. A required reading if you must. The rest of the book dives into some really difficult topics about morality and ethics especially when it comes to war. It is easy for me to sit here on the couch watching events unfold and commenting on what should happen. Then you see how difficult it can be to replace someone like Kim Jong-Un and what that means for the country.

To Michael's credit, he points out the fact that if a dictator is toppled it leaves room for everyone else to scramble for power. With the easy access to weapons in today's day and age, suddenly everyone is willing to fight and kill for that spot.

This book is a good lesson in going with your gut on book purchases because you never know what you may find.

Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian Slowly making my way through this one. Perhaps not the best 'before bed' read given some of the content. I'm surprised I don't wake up with nightmares. Cormac doesn't disappoint with his writing style and I'm a fan. Where is this one going though? A tail that starts out without any real direction and so we wander together. I'm not sure where we will end up!

Give me your thoughts on this one! It seems like a polarizing novel for sure.

What's On Tap:


Alley Kat Brewing's Pumpkin Pie Spiced Ale

Oktoberfest came and went this past weekend and I had the opportunity to visit and try some great fall beers including this one. The pumpkin pie spice in this one really stood out and paired great with the beer soaked bratwurst and red cabbage slaw meal. Notes of cinnamon and ginger and a 5.4% ABV makes for a great fall beer. Pumpkin flavor is here so we should all just embrace it!

Check out more detials here!

Sound Brewery's Mortal Kombat X Scorpion Imperial Stout

Powerful 8.0% stout with spice coming off the tongue from the Southwest chilies that were infused. A nice vanilla note off the top though you wouldn't know that there is spice in there until you take in that first big breath. Let's also point out this awesome label art and theme! Mortal Kombat fans out there? Scorpion is one of the all time classics if you ask me and this Stout brings the fire. This one came as a trio although I didn't have a chance to try out the Raiden Imperial Saison but did enjoy the Sub-Zero Imperial IPA.

The Beer Connoisseur did a write up about the trio last year when they were released...yea it took me a while to get to it!

What I'm Listening To:

Contemporary philosophy meets pro skater Nick Riggle in this interesting look on what being awesome means and what sucking means. It occurs to me as I get older that I'm probably more in the suck column but hopefully when I'm done this book I can absorb some rays from those out there who are awesome. There is only so much awesome that an account on Books and Beers can provide. Wait wait? Books and Beers are Awesome! Neither of these things suck. Therefore, by default, I must be awesome.

It's too early to give final judgment. Next week shall reveal all but I will say this. I started listening to this one and though "Oh great, another how to start a business for dummies book" and slowly it's been growing on me. The examples used and the daily schedule, once past the initial stages, have provided some really great insight. So a good example of why we (and by we I mean me) needs to stick to a book to see how it plays out.

Random Thoughts:

Random Shoutout: A shout out to History in Five (@history_in_five) over at the IG. Bringing history to the forefront because we all need a bit of history in our lives. Can you name the last history book you have read and did you enjoy it? Folliow along for some great history reads coming down the pipe. Case in point; Walter Isaacson's Leonardo Da Vinci. From the man who brought you Steve Jobs' incredible biography is the story on Leonardo himself. I have this one in my hands and will give you an update next week!

A Quote:

"I am in the present. I cannot know what tomorrow will bring forth. I can know only what the truth is for me today. That is what I'm called upon to serve, and I serve it in all lucidity." - Igor Stravinsky

Something that we need to remind ourselves every day. Staying present, as often as we can, to everything going on around us should be a goal we set for ourselves everyday. Today is the day where everything is both possible and impossible. If we stay present with ourselves and don't get bogged down in what our mind is telling us that this week will be a little more possible than last.

Final Thoughts: What does a guy got to do to get a drink around here?!

I'm looking for new beers to try keeping in mind that I'm up in Canada so sourcing can sometimes be tricky (I'm pointing at you Eastern U.S. breweries!!). Let me know what your favourite beer is though and I'm going to try my hardest to get my hands on it.

Send me an e-mail: Books & Beers Follow along on Instagram: @books.and.beers Follow along on Twitter: Books & Beers Share your beers on Untappd: Books_and_Beers (You'll have to search for this one!)

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