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Cheers to the Weekend! October 6, 2017

"Slump? I ain't in no slump ... I just ain't hitting." - Yoga Berry

I tried to find a good quote on being in a slump because sometimes it just feels that way. If we are passionate about something it can be easy to get entangled in the ups and downs. It feels like a slump. This newsletter might be the corner I go around that washes away that feeling. Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep enjoying a beer or two.

I'm just not hitting apparently.

It snowed here last week. You will be missed fall.

What I'm Reading:

One thing that I've loved about Walter Isaacson's books is that he picks an individual and then dives into what makes that person who they are. His writing is compelling and always finds the story behind what made that person unique. In this case, the focus is on Leonardo and his rise to fame and popularity but also his struggles with perfectionism that haunted him throughout his life. It's a carefully framed book that takes you from his early days, compiling sketches and artwork throughout, and shows you how Leonardo's skill developed over time. It reminds me of following a current day artist on Instagram from their early beginnings as they hone their craft.

... It's a big book so I've only got one to talk about this week!

What's On Tap:

Parallel 49 and guest brewer 49th State Brewing Company's Brew Brothers Gettin It!

That's a mouthful! Labeled Farmhouse of the North, this collaboration beer is the 3rd of 4 Brew Brothers' special edition beers that come in the box. Gettin It! is a Farmhouse Ale / Saison weighing in at 7.0% ABV. A big fan of these collaboration four packs and can't wait to get my hands on the next one. This beer poured hazy with a medium gold colour. I tend to not enjoy the saison's as much, but did enjoy this one given the overall fruitiness of the beer and a sweetness to it. I do enjoy a sweet beer what can I say.

Getting the chance to drink and support Alberta breweries always feels like the best thing you can do. So much talent in this province it is mind blowing and this year is one of my all-time favourite pale ales. To say this is juicy is an understatement. Full of juice and haze this beer comes out of the gate full of fruit flavour and never disappoints through to the last sip. It tends to be somewhat seasonal and brewed in batches so it isn't always easy to find. It's worth it if you do. If you are reading this and in Alberta you owe it to yourself to try this beer. Check out the buzz this one has gotten over at Ratebeer or Beeradvocate. Well deserved.

What I'm Listening To:

Who has read this one? Where did you fall within the tendencies? Upholder and Questioner here! A lot of what Gretchen says makes sense with anecdotes that could have been layered into my life. These type of books can go one of two ways for me. No connection and quickly forgotten or a connection made and the ideas rumble around in the head for a while. The practical advice on how to deal with people in differing tendencies was also useful. Obligers needing to set external expectations in order to stay motivated rang true in this household. Or how about at the office when asking others how something works, or asking why something is done a certain way, and getting the response "because that's how it's always been done." As a questioner this drives me nuts! Gretchen nailed it right on that this is one area that pains me and also something that can be worked on. it's kind of like finding out little parts about you that you already know but have never verbalized. That is one of the benefits of these kinds of books.

Richard Dawkins requires no introduction as the author of The God Delusion and The Selfish Gene and here brings together three decades of essays talking about science that is relevant today including climate change, bad science and the importance of maintaining reason in an age where things may seem out of control.

Random Thoughts:

A Quote:

"Sometimes life, will get you down, break your heart, steal your crown." - Tom Petty

RIP Mr. Petty. Your music will live on for generations. A beer raised to one of the legends of the music industry.

Final Thoughts: Sometimes life can sink its teeth into you and you just have to grin and bare it. This slump too shall pass.

According to Leonardo:

"Men of lofty genius sometimes accomplish the most when they work the least."

This ain't no slump. I'm just a genius who ain't doing any work.

Cheers to the Weekend.


A Question:

What book are you most looking forward to reading this fall?


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